My second birthday after finding my love for photography again (black and white to remember the feeling)

My second birthday after finding my love for photography again (black and white to remember the feeling)


We all have a story to tell…

Amanda Mayer (Owner and Photographer)

Growing up, I always had a camera in my hand. I loved taking photography, and documenting moments in time (scrapbooking). When I graduated Physical Therapist Assistant School, my gift to myself was a DLSR (fancy camera). The purchase came with free classes, and since I had no formal training I was excited for the classes, but after the classes I still had many questions. I tried to start a side business, and things were going well. However, to be honest I was just crossing my fingers and “hoping for the best” every time I took photographs. I had a good eye and enough of knowledge to “fake it till you make it”.

I was in a great time in my life, just married my husband and ready to move on to having kids with my husband. Well after several months of trying and several miscarriages later, my heart was broken. My love for the majority of things were gone. I stopped taking photographs. I finally had a beautiful daughter of my own (who is in a great deal of my photographs), however, my confidence was still gone from all the losses I had suffered.

For my birthday one year my husband and I decided to be tourist in our beautiful town and went to the Dali Museum. During our visit there was an exhibit from Clyde Butcher and his photographs from where Dali grew up. All of his photographs were in black and white, and there was an interview with him playing. It stated he shoots in black and white because after his child passed away he saw no more color.

At that point it hit home and how I was feeling. I felt the same way. During that birthday trip, I changed my setting in my phone to black and white. While I was taking photographs, I could feel the joy of photography coming back. I went home that day and picked up my actual camera again.

I decided shortly after that I wanted to start up my photography business again, under a new name, and a new feeling. I decided if I am going to do this, I am going to do it the right way. I wanted to take proper photography classes, so I did not have to cross my fingers and “hope for the best”. I am in an amazing entrepreneur academy because my schooling background was in science and not business. I still plan to take many more classes to keep my skills sharp, and to continue to grow.

And here I am today, I am here to capture the moments of your story. I love taking candid photographs, to see the emotions, and feeling. There were many times in my life (like the birth of my daughter) I wish I had more photographs, better photographs, but because I was living it, I was unable to capture it. I want to be the person to capture that moment for you in your life, so you can enjoy the moment.