Linnette - Breast Cancer Awareness Month
But The LORD Stood With Me & Gave Me Strength
2 Timothy 4:17
I was able to…
meet this amazing woman, Linnette, at the beach the other day. She is in the middle of her fight with breast cancer. I now know she loves her big hoop earrings, has a great relationship with god, and has a fantastic support system at work and at home. This is her story.
Linnette is normally…
on top of her health, but due to COVID, she put off her yearly mammogram, that is supposed to be in March. She wanted to wait for things to calm down and she rescheduled it.
recently she was taking a shower, and felt a lump on her breast. It was in a spot where she would have normally had to push down hard to feel, but she feels “it was like GOD saying ok she didn’t get her mammogram done yet and she has this situation let me put the lump around the surface for a minute so that she can feel it and know that this needs to be taken care of.”
She went to the…
doctor, but he could not find it laying down. She stood up and he “might” had felt something, so the order was giving for a diagnostic mammogram and breast ultrasound. As soon as the test came back they suggested a breast biopsy.
“I went into work the following business day…
and my doctor called me into his office, and gave me the devastating news, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. I remember just standing there in shock and in my mind I kept saying ‘oh my GOD oh my GOD oh my GOD’, My doctor held me in his arms for a bit to try to give me comfort then I walked away still in shock by the time I got to the back of the office I totally lost it I couldn’t hold it back, the news, the word itself, the 1 million thoughts going through your head at that moment, the fear I felt like I couldn’t breathe, as my coworkers were there for me.”
I immediately contacted my family…
and immediately went home. My family came over, as they were also devastated by the news. We all cried but then they reminded me, you are not alone in this GOD’S got you. We prayed and prayed. And I started feeling more at ease and at peace with the situation. Before I knew it I had an entire Army Praying for me…I’m so Blessed to have the relationship I have with HIM. I was able to let go and let GOD for I know this battle is not mine it’s HIS. After surrendering this battle to GOD I feel more at peace”.
She recently had…
surgery, and everything went well. She is going through 16 rounds of radiation right now, which was reduced from 40 rounds because it was caught early. She is also not needing chemotherapy. “For those of you who, like I, have been diagnosed, I know it’s a mental battle just as much as a physical battle, I encourage you don’t try to fight alone. Surrender to GOD and remember, You Can Do All Things Through CHRIST Who Strengthens” She also knows that she has many different “angels” that were put in her life to help her through this.