I have been MIA…
the last week or two because I thought I was losing my dog. After many days of freak-out moments, trips to the vets, and antibiotics he is doing better. He had a skin infection, ear infection, and eye infection. They think it is all linked to Cushing’s Disease, (maybe). At the same time of dealing with Tanner, my daughter was sick. There were many sleepless nights, but everyone is doing much better now.
When Tanner was sick…
it made me think about his time with us. I rescued him a week after I put down my two-year-old Rhodesian Ridgeback, Khoin. He had bone cancer that spread through out his entire abdomen. After Khoin, I knew I wanted to get a rescue dog.
I found Tanner…
through Petfinder online, in the middle of August. He was six-month-old from Georgia. The rescuers were going to take him two months earlier, but thought he would get adopted. He did not, so they brought him down here, and I was the lucky one. I feel in love with his ears. I am a sucker for hound ears. (I mean they are flying in the wind)
During our first…
winter together, he would get so excited about wearing outfits. He had to wear them because of lack of fur (from mange) and body fat (being underweight). He would dance around in his outfits, all spunky like. Then during bath time, Tanner would do this funny booty shake after baths. It was a normal whole body shake, but the body would stop and just his butt would keep going. It still makes me laugh to this day.
His nose…
is always to the ground. Tanner would make “perimeter checks” at the dog park, back yard, in the house, and smell all the door knobs. I could never take him off his lease because I would lose him to whatever sent was on the ground. If I would come home smelling of another dog, I had the “sniff-degree” when I came home. He will use his nose to smell all around your face, and then blow out. Every now and then you would get a kiss on your forehead, if you were a lucky chosen one.
He is now…
12 years old, and the brother to now four cats and three children. He loves all of them so much, but I am totally his favorite. Well, the little human (my daughter) might be one of his favorites because she drops food. He is just a great dog, that loves his food, digging in the dirt, and smelling things. We love you Tanner!