Adrienne shaved her head “to prove to [herself] she is stronger.”
“Showing your flaws, weaknesses, fear, leaving yourself vulnerable, allows walls to breakdown. Exposing what’s inside [is] more important. Facing the real issues and being so grateful to be able to come out on the other side empowered,” Adrienne said on her Facebook post. “I’m an open book. I probably over share, but my intentions are to help others through my experiences and mistakes as others have done the same for me.” Adrienne also said, “I started yesterday in tears, and ended the day feeling loved and supported. Please help me show others love and support. If anyone is feeling like I did please reach out for help. Don’t bottle it in. Speak to someone. My line is always open with a listening ear. If I can’t help you we will find someone who can.”
(Picture taken from Adrienne’s Facebook video, for her documentation)