Buster and the Brain Bully


You may see Buster…

as a cute dog, but do you know he also has a SUPERPOWER? His SUPERPOWER is helping people young and old, small and big, and everyone in-between with their “Brain Bully”.


What is a “Brain Bully” you ask…

well, Buster describes it as, “mud in my mind, and it can be a real PAIN. It makes my worry about all kinds of STUFF; it can make my day pretty RUFF. Have you ever felt like this? Do you have a “Brain Bully”?

Well Buster’s Mom…

also has a “Brain Bully”… he helps her with, and she wanted to help him, help other people with his SUPERPOWER. Buster went through training to become a Therapy Dog. He visits kids and adults in the hospital, local schools, and libraries, to help people with their “Brain Bully”.

Buster and Buster’s Mom decided…

to help more people with their mental health (like Buster has with her and their local community), they decided to write a children’s book, “Buster and the Brain Bully”. Buster talks about his “Brain Bully” and how he works through it, as well as, showing how he has helped other people with their “Brain Bully”.


Throughout the book…

there are several special parts that are special to Buster and his mom. The time on the clock “6:19” is the date Buster graduated as a Therapy Dog, and some of the children characters are based off children helped in real life. There are also, drawings of Buster’s Mom (as a child) with her dad sharing ice cream, next to Buster and Buster’s Mom (as an adult) walking together.

Mental Health is…

hard for adults to deal with, let alone children. It is important for children to recognize their emotions, and to know it is okay to have them, as well as how to “turn [their] fear into a SUPERPOWER!


Buster and Buster’s Mom want…

to make sure that mental health is something that is talked about with children and adults. 


“Buster and the Brain Bully” release date is…

September 7, 2021 on Amazon. I would like to say congratulations on this amazing accomplishment, and to the many more children and adults’ you guys will help in the future. You guys have turned a “Brain Bully” into something great! Check out more on Buster on instagram @busters.borough.

