Happy 60th Birthday!!
It all started…
September 11th, 60 years ago, when Rosa, was born in Italian Harlem, New York. She was the first one in her family born in the United States from Italy. Her dad was a mason worker building houses, and helping build the foundation to the Twin Towers. Her mom was a stay at home mom (because let’s face it, that was the role of a “right off the boat” Italian wife, and there is nothing wrong with being a stay at home mom).
She went to…
an ‘All Girl Catholic School’ (because boys were evil), and when she graduated going to college was not an option because “only bad girls go to college”. In order to leave the house marriage was the next step. Rosa explains when she started to date her first husband, Carmelo, there was a sit down between the two families, and her father asked Carmelo, “What is your intention with my daughter?” (Could you imagine that happening now a day?!?!?!)
Rosa became…
married, living in New Jersey, and soon had her first daughter, Danielle. A couple of years later, she had her favorite daughter (I mean second daughter), Amanda (the one writing the story, this is my Mom’s story). lol. Couple of years later, the whole family moved down south to Florida, right next to your sister’s house. The two families started a restaurant which ended up failing and so did the marriage.
This, is when…
I feel Rosa (my mom) grew the most as a person. She was now a single mother, and having to work for the first time in her life at Eckerd’s making just over $3.00 an hour. Her mother was there to help some; take for instant during Thanksgiving, Rosa had to work, and he mother made a whole chicken (I mean an American Holiday not an Italian holiday, still new to it all) and added “stuffing”. Not knowing what American stuffing was she made her own stuffing, the family tradition “Italian Stuffing” was born.
Over the years…
it was hard because Rosa’s oldest would always have the last word, and her youngest needed teacher parent conferences twice a year because “Words are hard” and would not stop talking. Also, to better herself, and much better hours, she became a teller at a local bank.
During the years…
her choice in men, was not great (sorry, not sorry). Her mother would try to run them off by putting water in their shoes or many different crazy things. Rosa did eventually meet a nice guy named Jim. She met him in the drive thru at the bank she worked at, and gave him a lollipop because she thought he was cute. Jim introduced the family to Florida State Football, burping, farting, goofiness, and frozen pizza. Their first date someone was running late and the babysitter was unable to stay, so Jim brought over a frozen pizza and Rosa (never cooking one in her life) cooked it with the cardboard still on.
Three years later…
(the day OJ Simpson was in the bronco) they were married. Since then, there has been many dogs; Bandit, Renegade, Rocky, and the newest ones Gibson and Fender (Oh and grand-puppies). Also, many trips to Tallahassee for football games, nights jamming out to music while Jim plays guitar, laying tile in the whole house, building so many things of furniture, road trips to the mountains, the keys, and all over Florida. There were, family gatherings at the house during Thanksgiving and Christmas, concerts, volleyball games, weightlifting meets, softball games, Disney & Universal trips, and both girls graduating high school, and college from Florida State.
She taught…
the girls, not going to college was not an option, make sure never to leaned on anyone else to take care of you, and you can build anything.
After, both of the girls…
graduated everyone moved to the west central Florida. Then, both of her daughters get married in the same year. Rosa becomes a grandmother to two amazing step grandchildren, and three young grandbabies.
Happy Birthday!!!
It has been an amazing journey to 60, and can’t wait to see what the next years have in store. Love you Mom!
Happy 5th Birthday
Well, it has been a rough 2020…
I think we can all say. We all had so many plans for so many things, but unable to do them. For us, we finally bit the bullet and purchased Disney Annual Passes, and the plan was to take my daughter to the Magic Kingdom for a Princess Makeover for her birthday. Well, she turned five and we were unable to make it do Disney because you know, the virus that shall not be named.
Instead, (we had no choice) we decided to make the best of it at home, a day to forget about the virus, and just have some fun.
It all started off with…
an attempt to watch the sunrise (an hour late). She has always been an early riser, we packed up the blanket and the jackets (it was Florida cold, with a whole lot of wind) and set out for downtown.
There were many people out…
in the morning running, walking, biking, and meditation. For us, we watched the sunrise-ish, and Fiona wanted to look at the playground (even though she knew she could not go). This broke my heart, but understanding it is for the best right now. We went running around, playing in the “triangles”, and attempting to feed the squirrels.

she wanted to make pancakes, “click, click, bloody, click, click, pancakes” – Stewie. She did the majority of it, with some help.
After the pancakes…
she helped Daddy with her birthday cake, and used the mixer for the first time. (We were going to purchase a cake, but thought she would have way more fun making it)

Present Time!!!!
(We opened presents throughout the day to keep things interesting). Since, we were unable to go to Disney, Aunty D brought the Disney Princess Dress Up to her with Moana, and a little photo session!

While the cake was cooling…
another trip was planned outside in the gorgeous weather, to the park to work on some super sick scooter skills (say that 10 times fast). She was able to master the hill again working on breaking, and increasing her speed! Super-Fast Ninja Speed.

After returning home…
she decorated the cake with me, her Mama, and guess what?!?!?!
Present Time!!! Again…
She was excited for her very own “Fiona Room Teepee Fort Tent”
Iphone photo
Let it go, Let it go…
Seriously she wanted me to let it go, by taking it off. She was able to dress up like another fun Disney Princess, ELSA!!! (However, this went over like a lead balloon because it was itchy, oh well, my bad. You win some, you lose some) It came off as fast as it went on, anyway, moving on.
BTW Iphone photo because she said “only one photo and then take this OFF”
Next on the plate…
(get it plate, dinner time, never mind) Social Distancing dinner and cake with one of her grandmothers. There was amazing weather, and Mac and Cheese (Fiona’s choice).
Iphone photo
“Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you”
(Side note, when she sang “Happy Birthday” while washing her hands, she was able to sing Happy Birthday to me”, it made both of us giggle)
Iphone photo
To round out the night…
the final present was opened, a family tent for the living room, for all of use to camp in it and spend the night. She was over the moon!!! Sleep Over! She was so excited, it took forever for her to finally fall asleep.
Iphone photo
Due to sleeping on the floor…
(yeah as an adult, not super comfortable) we were able to wake up early, the next day, and actually made it to see the sun rise. We stopped by to see the “unable to play on” playground, again.

ran up and down the colorful bridge/pier thing. (The pier is so cool! Check it out if you have not yet) Followed by a trip to Dunkin’ Donuts! Yum! (Not pictured)

I call it a success…
Someone was tuckered out because she fell asleep in her brother’s room later in the day.
I have to say, it might not have been what anyone wanted, but it was a nice “get away” from life, in our own home. I hope the rest of the year is looking better, and maybe we will eventually make it to Disney for Princess Dress Up Day.
Happy Birthday!!!