National Sisters' Day (My Sister and I)

I SMILE because you’re my sister. I LAUGH because you can’t do anything about it!
— Unknown

You and I…

can not be more opposite, but you are the Ying to my Yang.

You… I…

like the color grey like bright colors

plan ahead of time (many months) go with the flow planning

blonde hair brown hair

work in business work in healthcare

are made for running am made for lifting

tells it how it is have many emotions

hate shopping. love shopping

remember nothing remember everything

enjoy functional presents enjoy meaningful presents

are thin am thick

… and so on and so on. You get it


You have…

always been my big sister and sometimes a second mom. You have been there to look after me from our flights to New Jersey, helped me learn how to read (words are hard), applying for college, and adulting.


I remember (but you probably don’t)…

water fights in the house, playing football the with neighbors, making music videos, running from your room and flipping on the couch, you cheating on games, and laughing uncontrollably.


We have had many inside jokes…

“Barracuda”, “Drunk by Nine”, “Go ‘W’”, “La Regina”, and “The world does not revolve around you”, just to name a few

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I have always…

looked up to you, and in great awe of what you have accomplished. I still remember a photo you gave me in high school that said one day you would look down on me from the crowd and say proudly “That’s My Sister”. I never thought that would ever happen, but here is a picture from the 3 Day 60 Mile walk where it came true. This, along with other victories in my life, you have been there to support me.

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I know that…

We have had great times and rough times, but there is no one else I would rather have as my sister. I love you and appreciate you. Happy National Sisters’ Day

“Our paths

may change as life goes along, but our bond as Sisters will remain ever strong.”



Mowgli (ARK of Tampa - "Clear the Shelter"


National Sisters' Day (A and V)